Why make a short film?
Films are a brilliant way to bring your business or messages to life. Done well, they make what you’re saying believable, and they’re probably the closest you can come to a face to face conversation with your audience. Films are a particularly emotive medium because they involve real people, and that can make them powerfully persuasive.
What to make a film about?
You could create a film to raise awareness of your services to potential clients to give them a better understanding of your business. You could use a film to make a case for new funding, by showing how previous funding has helped you develop your service offering. The possibilities are endless and the film of your product, services or message will captivate audiences more than any other marketing medium.
Where to start?
As with all media, you need to be clear from the outset about what it is you want to achieve with your film, as this will ultimately influence the content, length and style of it.
Ask yourself a series of questions:
• What’s the purpose of your film? Make it clear what you want the audience to get out of it.
• What is your message? The simpler you can keep your message, the more successfully it can be communicated.
• Who is your target audience? Compare what their perceptions are now in relation to what you want them to be.